Are Dolphins Truly Intelligent?

By 葛以晴 Andria - 2/21/2019

     Everyone loves dolphins. If you don’t, that means you don’t know enough about them yet. For example, did you know that dolphins have complicated social groups, can establish strong social bonds, and even display culture? These so-called “Dog of the Seas” deserve much more attention than they have.
     All of us have some groups of friends, don’t we? Did you know that it’s the same for dolphins? They have complicated social groups. In fact, some groups have hierarchy. Some choose their leader by biting each other, while others decide by striking their tails and fins on the surface of the water. Besides that, dolphins can freely switch pods when they want to, depended on their preference. Pods have different types, such as being differentiated from age, sex, family ties, reproductive condition and even the history of associations.
     Many people believe that animals don’t have as complicated emotions as human beings, but it has been shown that dolphins can establish strong social bonds. Have you ever seen a movie scene where someone refuses to abandon their friends because of an injury? Dolphins do that too. No matter how heavy the injury, dolphins will forever stick together. And that isn’t the best part— this reaction isn’t limited to their own species. They’ve been seen helping different sea animals, such as the time a dolphin helped two beached Pygmy sperm whales, or even the time they surrounded a swimmer in order to protect them from sharks.
     The last thing I wanted to mention about dolphins is how playful they are. They like to make bubble rings underwater, and drag birds into the water(with no intent of eating them) only for the sake of having fun. Other than that, they also enjoy throwing and catching items, similar to the way we play fetch with dogs. They aren’t called the Dogs of the Sea for no reason!
     To the people who weren’t interested in dolphins before: how do you feel now? After knowing about these finned-friends’ social groups, bonds, and playful personality, do you find them amazing, just like me?

There's... so many words. I never thought that I'd write so much. Wow.

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