70th 校慶

By 葛以晴 Andria - 2/22/2019


I was looking through old photos and found these!! Had to share!!!

Here's me and Jennifer making the posters and signs for the school fair. She did most of the coloring. 
Remember when I took half a day off the day before the big day(probably not)? We actually headed home to prepare the posters. lol.
It was so tiring. We were doing it all the way until eleven/twelve
But the results made it worth it, and I was really happy people liked it.

Preparing the stands while everyone's at the ceremony~ It seemed quite fun and I'm kind of disappointed that I didn't go.
大家在大會的時候我們再準備!! 聽說大會蠻好玩的,不知道我該不該後悔沒去到

Everything was rainy so my posters were wrecked... but it was fun in another way anyways.

I took this timelapse since I was too bored at the stands. People thought that I was crazy for videotaping
很無聊很無聊以所以拍了縮時 其他人都以為我瘋了,手機架在那邊浪費電  

I took this kind of on accident and kind of on purpose. At least I covered up your faces properly!!
至少我有把臉馬掉!! 猜猜這是誰!!

Here's when everything except for the basketball match ended. Everyone stayed in the classroom and played their phones/ipads till they had to go home
嗯好大家都在打電動 爽

Bonus: Please Watch
請看 這很重要

Here's the garbage pit afterwards that day. A real mess
雜亂的垃圾場 結束這一天。

I had a lot of fun and I'll never forget this
Hopefully these posts will stay forever, even longer than I can ever remember

反正 真得超好玩的啦~

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