Entry 2

By 葛以晴 Andria - 3/05/2019

2019/3/5 Tue.

I just dropped Cutie into the trash can by accident. Again. I am letting all of my dollies sit in my lap today as an apology
Something at school made my really happy again. I was right when I said that everything was going uphill now!! Except for the fact that I pretty much busted my ankle and that my allergies have been acting up so much that my skin has been on fire and that my eyes are so dry I can't see anything at all
Other than that everything is fine!! I think!!!
As I type, my nose is getting stuffier and stuffier. I think it's because I sniffed cutie and whiffed a whole bunch of dust into my nose. I am willing to sacrifice my sense of smell for my dollies though
Speaking of my dollies I need to introduce them some day. They Are Very Important To Me
Off I go onto my "流水帳" like 黃心妍 said

I arrived at school later than usual today. And by "later than usual" I mean 7:00 exactly once the bell finished ringing and not ten minutes before that. I'm not sure why though. Maybe our lunch or breakfast was harder to make than usual???

I swear LTE is so much better than the old one we had(I just spent 10 seconds staring at the wall trying to think of the name of it but I could only think of the jingles for LTE so I gave up on it since it's probably not important enough for me to remember WAIT IT'S 空中英語 RIGHT?? AM I RIGHT) since the old one had the worst quality when it came to digital cut scenes. Like the Magic Box rabbits. They literally copy-pasted the same rabbit and recolored their eyes to make it seem more different??? idk
I always hated the Magic Box sound since I used to sleep during that time and hearing that equaled to hearing an alarm. That noise was louder than the voices so it felt like a jumpscare
Not that the current one is better. I spend about a fourth of my day singing the main menu song in my head and it's driving me crazy(LET'S TALK IN ENGLISHHHHH TEN MINUTES EVERY DAAAAAAAAY)

Teacher Courtney flew to Taiwan. She took us to 後山 to get a bunch of water samples
Someone had to lay on their stomach to get drain water haha more on that when I get my iPad photos

We're going to make a train that goes in circles in 生科 which I have no idea how to write in English
Kind of like something you'd see on a music box

I swear to god. 童軍 is so boring. I kept falling asleep
I had to keep shaking my head to stay awake I bet it looked ridiculous

Pretty sure I flunked geography today hahhaha

I stole a banana from our school lunch even though I didn't pay for the lunches. Not that it matters or that anyone cares though
I mean it's just one banana. I bet no one would bat an eye even if I took a whole meal one day

I napped. So hard. This afternoon
The type when you forget that you're at school and you get confused when you realize you're sitting and not laying
I still made myself get up to go to the bathroom since I knew that I'd want to sleep between the two history classes afterwards

So yeah. Two history classes. One of them were Chinese Literature but apparently he had "stuff" to do so next week we'll have two straight periods of Chinese Literature. Oh no
Over half of the two history classes, aka for one whole period, the teacher talked about how we were going to 直升 and stuff
I will succeed!! And probably not too hard since I've been doing fine this semester
I think

I got 100 on the exercise sheet from last English class. With a Certain comment from a Certain someone telling me to play this Certain game

Dang we all thought that our math teacher was gonna be busy and wasn't going to come to class but he still came anyways we all thought we were unlucky hahaha

Mommy attempted to take me to the eye clinic but 1. I forgot my health card 2. There was a bunch of people and we had to wait for 2 hours so we left and went to pick up Jennifer
I spent half of the night sleeping on the car. But I am still tired. So I am going to sleep now
I just poked my eyes trying to rub them after applying medicine now everything is blurry I need my eye drops

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