
By 葛以晴 Andria - 8/04/2018

today i went to one of my classmates houses to practice that 表藝課 thing. yes normally ppl think its annoying af but tbh i liked dancing
ok you know what i always like dancing bc it seemed really cool once you actually get it right, and dancing successfully in a big group is just really freaking awesome
but you know my biggest prob is that i cant stand other ppl watching my fail bc i think its embarrassing and ONE OF MY BIGGEST FEARS IS GETTING EMBARRASSED
THINGS LIKE THAT HAUNT ME FOR YEARS(i still remember this one time i misrecognized someone as my dad when i was 4 and it still haunts me to this day oh my god)
but yeah anyways i had fun today although im still not so good at the dance i hope we'll do fine this wednesday(or maybe we wont even get to perform yet we're the second-to-last group to go on stage)
btw how the heck do you play mahjong

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